Cattle and Technology
I Can't Be That Old : Many years ago when the computer first landed in school classrooms I made a comment that has comeback to haunt me." Why do I need to learn that, what good will that do me on the back of a horse " Well, now that happened nearly thirty years ago and look how far we have come with technology. It was about seventeen years ago I finally got a Mobile phone and traded in my "beeper" / "pager", what a beating that was trying to find a phone before the third page with 911 on the end. Some of you will get that? There are kids today who have never heard a dial tone, or got chance to get tangled up in the 50ft cord on the kitchen wall phone. Now days you have electronic ear tags, GPS, cattle management computer programs, and the computer tablet you can carry in your pocket. A lot of the larger cattle operations are very technologically advanced than they were less than ten years ago. With t...