Harvey Update: Helpful Information If You Need help Or Want To Help
The cleanup and recovery after the initial storm and ongoing flood will be an effort that continues for some time. We have had many offers of help, supplies and prayers, which are greatly appreciated. For those that need help or would like to help, we have gathered a list of resources, links and phone numbers. If You Need Help Click here for a checklist "Floods and Your Livestock" Click here for Extension Disaster Education Network Flood Resources Animal Shelters and Holding Facilities If you are seeking a large or small animal shelter/holding facility in your area or in your evacuation area, call 2-1-1 or contact the emergency management department in the area you are seeking shelter. To view a list of Texas animal holding facilities and shelters click here . Lost or Found Livestock If you have lost or found livestock, email missinglivestock@tscra.org or fill out the online form. Click here for in...